Think about last week. Identify up to 5 principal tasks that you undertook each day.Download the template below and rate each task on importance and urgency, where
- Importance: 0 was not at all important and 10 is I would have failed something if I had not done this, and
- Urgency: 0 was could have waited till next month and 10 was already too late.
Download a template here
Download your template here
When you have filled in your template, click on the briefcase to store the document and add any notes about it in your notebook.
Using the important-urgent matrix, what does your analysis tell you about your time management?
- How much time did you spend on tasks that were Urgent and Important?
- How much time did you spend on tasks that were Important but not Urgent?
- How much time did you spend on tasks that were Urgent but not Important?
- How much time did you spend on tasks that were neither Urgent nor Important?