This video is for organisations that want to prove their ‘green credentials’ to their customers. This can be achieved through the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System standard. Whether you’re new to ISO 14001 or looking to take your expertise further Flintloque offers packages of resources and services that will jumpstart the management of your business’ … Continue reading “How To Prove Your Green Credentials with Flintloque’s Environment Management System”
How To Improve Improving Motivation and Engagement of The Team
Are the individuals delivering the promises of the business to your customers highly motivated? Are these individuals engaged or do they just turn up to get paid and then go home? A motivated workforce has a massive effect on your productivity and on your customers, Flintloque will help build a bespoke Communications and Management System to best … Continue reading “How To Improve Improving Motivation and Engagement of The Team”
Flintloque’s Management System Professional
Flintloque’s Management System Professional, Dr Flintloque, can help you to find those parts of your organisation that are generating the greatest amount of wasted management heat and assist with the cooling of your business cogs! It’s all about working S.M.A.R.T
A terrifying time was had by all…
I’ve recently done a couple of presentations, with Adrian Quayle of P&Q Consulting, on the use of the best-practice principles within BS 11000: Collaborative Business Relationships at events focussed on “knowledge management”. The October event focussed on “legal” knowledge and IP, and the November one covered “electronic information management” as it relates to cyber security … Continue reading “A terrifying time was had by all…”
If I can’t understand it, then it can’t be important
I was working with a company the other day, let’s call them MedTech Engineers Ltd, and they had a problem that needed solving; two members of the senior management team! Pillar One of Flintloque’s “Five Pillars of Quality” TM is management review and communication. It is Pillar One because it is the most important part … Continue reading “If I can’t understand it, then it can’t be important”
Was it a good meeting?
Last year, I was asked to help a business with the implementation of a management system and, as I love my job, what else could I say other than “Yes”? As usual, I started with a gap analysis, which always focusses on the existing management review and communication system; I find this the best indicator … Continue reading “Was it a good meeting?”
I have been informed
Last month I went to an ISO 9001: 2008 to ISO 9001: 2015 Transition Event at a nice hotel in the country. I was there to learn about the significant changes that are being made to the ISO 9001: 2008 Standard and to understand what the new requirements will mean for Flintloque’s customers. Well, I … Continue reading “I have been informed”
A well-oiled machine
One of the businesses with which I started working last year had a management system than was humming…not like a well-oiled machine, sadly, more like a rotting fish. They had a lot of the right components in place to have their operations purring like a cat, but they had problems keeping all their management review … Continue reading “A well-oiled machine”
I’d Forgotten How Difficult Written Exams Were…part 2
So, on a cold and damp June morning (otherwise known as a British summer!), I was standing outside ISOQAR’s building feeling somewhat anxious. Once inside with the rest of the attendees, the nervous bonhomie helped calm my heart rate and everyone settled in quickly. There were 11 of us, from a variety of industries and … Continue reading “I’d Forgotten How Difficult Written Exams Were…part 2”
I like being informed
As I said in my last blog, this month I’m off to Crewe to attend an ISO 9001: 2008 to ISO 9001: 2015 Transition Event. I’m really looking forward to it for a variety of reasons, one of which it that the location is a nice hotel in the country less than 40 minutes’ drive … Continue reading “I like being informed”