What’s in the party bag, and what shall I do with it?

The key point for us here is that the key test is what does the listener do with the contents of our party bag, the take home message. Do they throw away the message, or treasure it?What do you as the speaker expect them to do with it?The purpose of the talk may simply have been to inform. However, even in such a case it would be usual to hope that some listeners might have been enthused enough to seek out more information on the topic.Did you facilitate this in your talk? Did you point out places where they could find more information?If the purpose was to get people to do something, e.g. quit smoking, stop beating their wife, adopt a llama for a village in the Andes, again did you provide them with information about what to do next, did you help them set goals and milestones if the action was not in a single step.

So, how are you going to put this into practice?
What do you as the speaker expect your listeners to do with your key message?
How are you encourage them to do this?
