GAP Analysis
GAP Analysis – Is Your Business Good, Average Or Poor?
A GAP Analysis compares the actual performance of an organisation with that required to meet a specific International Standard. This process can be anything from a simple “Kicking of the Tyres” up to a “Chasm Analysis”, depending on the maturity of an organisation’s management system, the commitment of its leadership, the depth of experience within the management team, etc., and can take from one day to several.
The acronym GAP is sometimes used to mean “Good, Average or Poor” when comparing a business with others of around the same size in the same industry, but this is a rather course metric and largely a matter of taste.
When Flintloque Management Systems carries out a GAP Analysis, we assess an organisation’s current leadership, management processes, documentation and records, competence evaluation, operations, etc., against the requirements of the applicable management system standard. At the conclusion, we make a realistic determination of what resources are needed for that organisation to reach the desired certification or accreditation standard. Something along the lines of where are you, where do you need to be, and how can we help you get there?
Once you know precisely where your gaps are, you can take steps to close them. Targeted changes to your management system, which are appropriately monitored and measured, is a far more effective strategy than a “scatter gun” approach. Flintloque Management Systems offers an implementation programme that has never failed to lead an organisation to successful certification or accreditation. And with many standards being re-written to move the goalposts closer together and further away, these gap analyses are more important than ever.
If you would like further information, then please Contact Us.